Artist Statement
I love color and texture, contrast and detail, and things that sparkle! I love fantasy and mystery, pumpkins and autumn, and swans. I love detail and drama, allegory and owls and I love cappacino. I love to draw. I love to sew. And I love dogs.
This is what my work is about. The things I love, the things that facinate me, and the things that let me wander in a world of my own making. I portray the gossamer world that occupies our dreams and revelries. A glowing pumpkin or a checkered horse represent something different to each viewer. By asking the viewer into my imagination, I allow them to explore their own. I keep a sketchbook handy and allow my mind and pencil to wander, opening up my work to deeper truths and feelings. I want the viewer to recognize their own inner world in my paintings. To be able to awaken their own dreams.
I am a toad, a toad I am
I don't pretend I'm not
I don't have wings or glitter things
Or dance around alot
I sit quite still, that is until
The moment is just right
Then the quiet's broke
By an monstrous croak
That is my great delight
Now I hope you see
I am just me
And my place may seem quite minor
But when I'm me, I'm the best you'll see 'cause no one does me finer
So 'tho I'm seen as only green
And play a tiny role
If I am not, then the world has got
One really gaping hole
Still never fear
For I'll stay here
And pursue my one great feat
I'll banish quiet
With one toady riot
And make the world complete